Impact Journal

Our Sustainability Newsletter

Updated Summer 2024

Beyond creating incredible adventures, at Pelorus we seek to transform perspectives and, in collaboration with Pelorus Foundation, leave a legacy of impact. We are committed to integrating sustainability into every aspect of our travel experiences. Here's an overview of our recent efforts and broader trends within the travel industry making a positive impact:

Updates from us

As we continue to inwardly assess the way we do business through a sustainability lens, our impact journey is constantly evolving. Below are some updates on our ongoing projects, new initiatives and developments within Pelorus Foundation.

Reflecting on our recent B Corp Certification

It's now been a couple of months since we achieved our certification as a B Corporation™ (B Corp™). Yet, for us, certification has been just the start of the journey. From reflecting on and assessing our Bcorp report, we have spent the past couple of months developing an internal roadmap to ensure that as an organisation we are constantly improving our score and setting new industry standards.

A growing Climate Investment Fund

At Pelorus, we ensure that an equal amount of carbon dioxide incurred on each trip is removed via a handful of carefully selected carbon removal projects. This portfolio of projects, known as the Climate Investment Fund, is managed by Pelorus Foundation and operates on a not-for-profit basis. Due to the support of Pelorus, it was recently able to add 150 blue carbon credits to the fund. These credits were developed by a small charity called ACES who work with two local communities in Kenya to restore their mangrove forests. The project is verified by Plan Vivo Foundation who prioritise poverty alleviation and encourages local people to lead the projects.

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Want to make a difference abroad?

Embark on a transformative journey with Pelorus, where adventure meets conservation. Our bespoke conservation experiences are designed to immerse you in the beauty of the natural world while contributing to its preservation. Here’s a glimpse into what we offer:

Properties that are making a difference


Åmot is a luxury rural hideaway in the heart of the Norwegian fjords, offering a place to unwind and disconnect amongst nature. Amot take a "beyond sustainability" approach, weaving it into everything they do and ensuring they are leaving as little impact as possible on Norway's pristine landscape.


At the heart of the Borana Conservancy, Lengishu is an exclusive-use family home offering unparalleled luxury and endless adventure in Kenya’s wild Northern Frontier.

Want to make a difference?

Do you want to have a positive impact in protecting our planet? We can create bespoke experiences built around your sustainable travel wishes.