underwater scuba diver

On the Conservation Frontline


Words by Bella Straker, Travel Designer

Pelorus hopes to inspire you with places to stay that are paving the way for wildlife conservation. We have listed our unique accommodation options below, all of which enable you to support the native wildlife while benefiting from incredible experiences.

Misool, Indonesia

Few locations remain that outshine the wealth of Raja Ampat’s coral reefs. Providing a tropical hideaway in the midst of uninhabited islands lies Misool, an isolated private resort with an impressive conservation story. Reversing the impact of shark finning and destructive fishing is the Misool Foundation, the resort’s charitable arm which pioneers projects to save some of the most biodiverse reefs on Earth. Through world-class underwater experiences, explore the protected marine reserve where manta ray and shark populations continue to flourish.

Borana Lodge, Kenya

Home to a large number of endangered species, Borana Lodge holds conservation close to its heart. Following 2013’s critical black rhino introduction, the Lewa-Borana Landscape now homes over 200 white and black rhinos, making this area East Africa’s largest rhino sanctuary. To tackle poaching and ever-increasing conservation costs, all earnings generated by the lodge are invested into the conservancy. Whether its horseback riding on wildlife-rich plains or mountain biking across craggy landscapes, take pride in the knowledge that you are directly supporting rhino conservation by simply experiencing Borana. You will leave knowing you have truly made a difference.

Wa Ale Island Resort, Myanmar

On a tropical private island in an archipelago long inaccessible to visitors, there lies a serene island retreat named Wa Ale Resort. No earth was moved and no tree destroyed during the lodge’s sustainable construction, making it a rich haven for wildlife. With sea turtles nesting on your doorstep, you may question the protection of these endearing creatures. Frequently raided by humans and predatory wildlife, turtle populations are in desperate need of conservation. Funded through the efforts of Wa Ale Resort, the Lampi Foundation was launched to preserve Lampi Marine National Park and closely monitor each nest. Following the establishment of a successful hatchery, the Andaman Sea has welcomed the safe release of 8000 sea turtles to date.

Alladale Wilderness Reserve, Scotland

Venture deep into the Scottish Highlands to discover four remote lodges in wonderfully off-grid locations. From the comfort of an inviting wilderness retreat, immerse yourself into the rugged surroundings and develop your understanding of conservation, ecology and the natural world. Once home to thriving flora and fauna, a progressive conservation project is in place to re-wild this majestic area of land through reintroducing original plant and wildlife species. Embark on a guided ranger tour to search for wild boar, red squirrels, golden eagles and learn about Alladale’s fascinating wildcat breeding project.

Singita Kwitonda Lodge, Rwanda

Experience one of Africa’s greatest success stories at Singita Kwitonda Lodge. Rwanda has grown in popularity as a remarkable travel destination as a direct result of mountain gorilla conservation, and Kwitonda is playing a significant role. On the edge of Volcanoes National Park, a ten-year reforestation plan is in place creating a buffer zone between the lodge and the gorillas’ shrinking habitat, thus adding a natural layer of protection from poachers. There is minimal separation between you and these endangered primates, a truly humbling sensation. Trek along rainforest trails, embrace this once-in-a-lifetime wildlife encounter and recognise the importance of responsible tourism for the survival of mountain gorillas.

Lapa Rios, Costa Rica

Whether you are installing camera traps for wild cat survival or transplanting rainforest seedlings, Lapa Rios provides the ultimate immersive experience into one of the planet’s most biodiverse locations. Encounter fascinating primates, iconic frogs and colourful macaws as you learn about the wildlife and help protect its endangered habitat. Acting as an effective protective barrier for Corcovado National Park, Lapa Rios supports a vast array of flora and fauna endemic to the region. A combination of remote luxury and hands-on opportunities allows you to take away an enhanced appreciation of the importance of conservation.

Wolf Lodge, Norway

Imagine coming face-to-face with the curious amber eyes of an Arctic Wolf. Nestled in the world’s most northern animal park lies the innovative Wolf Lodge offering unparalleled wildlife experiences. Norwegian wild wolf populations have been under pressure for years with a single pack of 25 individuals remaining today. Polar Park established wolf visits to educate visitors and locals on the need to preserve the nation’s nature and to ensure better welfare for wolves in captivity. Accustomed to human contact, join these majestic creatures in their natural environment and gain an unforgettable insight into their behaviour before returning to the tranquillity of this ultra-exclusive lodge.

Mahu Whenua, New Zealand

Wake up to some of New Zealand’s most iconic scenery from Mahu Whenua, a haven of seclusion amidst dramatic mountains. Aptly translating to ‘healing the land,’ a fantastic regeneration project is underway, turning an area of extensive farming into a pristine eco-sanctuary. Become part of Mahu Whenua’s magical story, engage in conservation practices, replant vital trees and learn about its native bird breeding programme. For a land once thought to be lost, small actions like these enhance the protection of New Zealand’s natural beauty and the wildlife which lives here.

Awasi Patagonia, Argentina

Venture to one of the world’s wildest regions for a combination of utmost tranquillity and outdoor adventure. Delight in the exclusivity of a private reserve overlooking the iconic peaks of Torres del Paine National Park, a paradise itching to be explored. Committed to protecting its property locations, Awasi Foundation conserves valuable ecosystems through working alongside neighbours to reintroduce native species and restore natural habitat. Thanks to tourism, you can be part of this inspirational movement by participating in puma tracking alongside expert guides and scientists. Remarkably, populations of this elusive big cat are on the rise in an area once devoid of wildlife.

We are always building blocks in place to ensure Pelorus is a catalyst for driving positive and sustainable change in travel supply chains.

If any of the options in this article are of interest, contact us to create bespoke experiences based on your preferences. Whether becoming involved in hands-on conservation or contributing financially by making an informed choice of accommodation, there are many ways to give back to nature wherever you want to travel to.

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