Exploring the Pura Vida: Lyndie's Costa Rican Escape

Travel Journal

On this tropical tour, the very best of Costa Rica’s beauty and hospitality was uncovered by Lyndie, Pelorus’ Product Manager. From visiting a regenerative coffee plantation near San Jose, to exploring the remoter jungle and river regions of Pacaure and Tortuguero, and ending at a wildlife mecca on the Pacific coast, each unique location presented something new and exceptional.

“Costa Rica is a popular destination for Pelorus, so I wanted to learn more about the destination and visit luxury properties that we offer. This allows us to speak to our clients with full confidence as we know what we will be selling to them and that it’s the right fit for them.”

In the heart of Central America, Costa Rica is a captivating paradise filled with awe-inspiring wonders that capture the soul of every traveler. Picture verdant rainforests, ancient volcanoes whose peaks soar above the clouds, and pristine beaches gently lapped by the waves. Unleash your adventurous spirit as you traverse through dense jungles to the melodic tune of exotic birds, zip lining through the trees or rafting down the rivers.

From the people to the lodges, Costa Rica is a sustainably focused country, whether it’s having their own chickens, growing their own food, or their means of power (there’s no coal or nuclear here, only solar, hydro and wind).

Whether hiking through cloud-shrouded mountains, bathing in rejuvenating hot springs, or zip-lining above the lush canopy, Costa Rica is captivating.

Unique Experiences & Properties

During her time in Costa Rica, Lyndie explored this natural paradise checking out both brand-new properties and existing ones. Alongside expert guides, activities directly from these properties ranged from coffee farm tours culminating in a tasting workshop to rafting rapids and zip lining among the canopy.

From lodges surrounded by tropical wilderness on the banks of the river to a remote yet luxurious eco lodge only accessible by boat, Costa Rica has a wide variety of properties. Tried, tested and highly recommended by our experts.

Finca Rosa Blanca

A network of winding paths lined with tropical trees and bushes, Finca Rosa Blanca is a gorgeous collection of white-washed buildings that house an eclectic range of 14 spacious, artistic, and colorful rooms. The fertile volcanic soil the property sits on allows for abundant coffee crops which thrive in the 30-acre plantation, which guests and non-guests alike can explore with guides who will show them the growing, harvesting and roasting processes, culminating in a coffee cupping session.

“It was wonderful to experience the varied climates, terrain, and cultures, from the center of Costa Rica to the Caribbean and then the Pacific coast, I visited some of the coffee regions around San Jose and learnt about organic and shaded coffee plantations at Finca Rosa Blanca Coffee Farm. One cannot visit Costa Rica without learning more about this art of farming, which the country is extremely proud of. You walk away feeling much more appreciative of your morning cappuccino!”

Pacuare Lodge

For a seriously jaw-dropping arrival, getting to Pacuare Lodge involves rafting along one of the world’s most beautiful rivers. The setting is spectacular: Perched on the bank of the Pacuare River, surrounded by tropical wilderness and thick rainforest cascading down steep mountain slopes, Pacuare Lodge is the ultimate stay for a jungle adventure.

The very highest levels of comfort blend seamlessly with impressive core sustainability credentials. Each suite is decorated in a modern, colorful style with locally sourced products and sweeping views of the river and jungle-draped canyons. The property’s knowledgeable guides lead guests on an array of activities, from hikes in the forest, meeting the Cabecar indigenous group, visiting hidden waterfalls, canyoning or whizzing along a canopy zipline. After a day of exploring, retreat to your secluded villa and drift off to the soft rumble of the Pacuare River.

“Leaving the more rural areas of the Central Valley, past Turrialba, I rafted the famous Pacuare River, once considered by National Geographic as one of the world’s most beautiful rivers for white water rafting. Staying along the banks of the river for two nights at the stunning Pacuare Lodge was simply magical. Listening to the rush of the river below me, and the surround sounds of buzzing cicadas and cries from Howler Monkeys from my private plunge pool made one feel so removed from the busyness of everyday life. 

You depart Pacuare lodge by rafting 20km downstream towards the town of Siquirres. The scenery along this stretch of the river is breathtaking, and once the exhilarating level 4 rapids are over, there is a section where you can jump in and float down the river with the steep canyon and hanging vines towering over you. Climbing out of the raft and being wrapped with a warm towel and handed a cup of coconut chai was the best welcome I could have asked for. A camera won’t do justice to this experience!”

Tortuga Lodge

Nestled along the banks of the Tortuguero River, Tortuga Lodge is a haven of tranquility. Surrounded by lush rainforests and teeming wildlife, this eco-lodge offers a truly immersive experience in one of the world’s most biodiverse regions. Wake up to the symphony of howler monkeys and tropical birds before embarking on boat tours through the jungle’s winding waterways and immersing yourself in the local culture through authentic culinary delights.

“The next stop was to the Caribbean Coast, to explore the Tortuguero National Park. Tortuguero is the Amazon of Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, a dense tropical jungle where the rivers are the only highways. This lush rainforest filled with winding waterways and lagoons is a haven for wildlife and rare species, such as the protected Manatee and a popular nesting site for the Atlantic Green Sea Turtles from July to October.

Being and avid birder, I was in my element! Spotting lifers while paddling through the narrow canals in my kayak, with Spider and Howler Monkeys leaping between the trees and Jesus Christ Lizards basking in the sun was the highlight of my time in Tortuguero.”

Playa Cativo

Nestled on the remote shores of Golfo Dulce, Playa Cativo in Costa Rica is a hidden gem. This eco-luxury beachfront property offers a retreat among tropical rainforests and azure waters. Wake up to the gentle melody of waves caressing the shore and the symphony of tropical birds greeting the day. Embark on rainforest hikes guided by knowledgeable experts, delight in farm-to-table culinary experiences, or kayak among dolphins and sea turtles.

“A quick flight back towards San Jose with a hop over to Golifito saw me arrive at the Pacific Coast and in the paradise that is the Golfo Dulce, the only tropical fjord in the Americas. A boat ride through these clear turquoise waters, with turtles, dolphins and manta rays popping up around you, is the only way to arrive at Playa Cativo Eco Lodge.

Here, there is the feeling of total disconnect and being one with your surroundings. There is no one else around you besides the other guests at the lodge and it is the ideal place to relax and unwind after a more action packed start to your trip. 

There’s something for everyone, from hiking in the rainforest and daily yoga classes to kayaking in the mangroves and snorkeling. From August to November the Humpback whales arrive and if you don’t wish to go out by boat you can even view them in the bay right in front of the lodge while dining at the restaurant.”

Lapa Rios

Lapa Rios Lodge is nestled in Central America’s last remaining tropical lowland rainforest and boasts expansive views over the Golfo Dulce. As one of the most biologically intense places on earth, the lodge has a strong objective to protect its endangered species and assist in preserving the local communities so you can enjoy your stay with a free conscience. The ideal place for nature lovers, the rooms come complete with wraparound terraces to fully immerse you in the tropical treetops – awake to a symphony of birds and monkeys chattering over breakfast.

“A 30 minute boat transfer across the gulf, spotting turtles, and I was in the small town of Puerto Jiminez on the the Osa Peninsula, which is classified as the most biologically intense place on Earth. Despite its size, the Osa Peninsula packs an astounding 2.5% of the world’s biodiversity into just 0.001% of its surface area.

Meeting my lovely driver and being handed an ice cold fresh coconut to drink, I made my way to Lapa Rios Lodge on the tip of the peninsula. On just that short drive to the lodge I saw Caracaras, Toucans, Tiger Herons and the Northern Tamandua (a small anteater) walk right past my vehicle.

Lapa Rios Lodge is perched above the forest canopy, and the views from my balcony and plunge pool were magical. I would wake up to Spider Monkeys and White Faced Capuchins watching me from the nearby branches and pairs of Scarlet Macaws flying past. Lapa meaning Scarlet Macaw in Costa Rican, it really is the perfect spot to see them. At this lodge, the wildlife comes to you. 

Make sure to try the homemade ice creams and sorbets to help with the humid climate, with my favorite being the Basil, Pineapple and Ginger sorbet!”

Her top tip for travelers considering Costa Rica?

There’s a bit of something for everyone as it caters well to families or couples and can offer relaxation as well as adventurous activities.

Something to be aware of is that once out of San Jose and major hotels, it will be rare to find aircon at properties as many lodges are remote and run off solar systems. But this shouldn’t deter anyone as the lodges are designed to have great airflow for the evening breeze and there are plenty of fans throughout. 

Also, even if you aren’t a big wildlife lover, I would still recommend taking a pair of binoculars with you as you will instantly be captivated by the abundance of it all!


If Lyndie's Costa Rican escape has inspired you, get in touch with our Travel Team to start planning your own journey.

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