Montana: Cowboys to Wranglers Team Experience

Brand Experiences & Team Incentives

Between the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Great Plains in the east and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to the south – this area of North America is made for horse riding.

Dotted amongst this striking scenery are working ranches, the last bastions of the Old West, where horse riding remains a way of life. Cowboys drive cattle into corrals and grizzly bears, bison and elk roam freely through the unspoiled wilderness. There is epic horse riding year-round here, but the scenery dramatically changes with the seasons. In the summer there is world-class fly-fishing and white-water rafting on pristine rivers. In the winter there is sledding and skijoring. Depending on your timing, the Pelorus network can provide expert wranglers, anglers, naturists and mountain guides.

Day 1

Fly into Montana and transfer to your ranch. Saddle-up for a short ride to familiarize the team with the terrain and ascertain the group’s riding skill. Your first night will be a welcome and briefing, grouped around the campfire, enjoying the remote surrounds and acclimatizing. And with 37,000 acres of undeveloped rural land, and 100 miles of trails and rivers at your fingertips: there’s a lot to take.

Day 2

The group will be split into two teams, where they will be asked to navigate across flat plains and national forests via horseback to separate check points. Here, speed and chosen routes will be analyzed by our network of Pelorus experts and Pelorus leaders. You will wake up to a morning of incomparable luxury and unspoiled wilderness. This Montana luxury resort is situated in some of the most breathtaking country in the world. The expansive property is a haven for authentic Montana dude ranch activities, like trail rides, cattle drives and chuck wagon dinners. The group will be split into two teams, where they will be asked to navigate across flat plains and national forests via horseback to separate check points. Here, speed and chosen routes will be analyzed by our network of Pelorus experts and Pelorus leaders. Meals will taken on the move, with rustic picnic’s at guests’ chosen vista spots.

Day 3

Each team will be tasked to cattle drive. With the guidance of expert wranglers you will set out to find, gather and herd 800-pound Corriente cows. Each team will be assessed at the end of the day. Each team will be tasked to cattle drive. With the guidance of expert wranglers you will set out to find, gather and herd 800-pound Corriente cows. Each team will be assessed at the end of the day.  There’s nothing like sleeping under the stars, from mid-May through mid-October, Montana is a haven for luxury camping. Your camp will allow guests to connect with the great outdoors without forgoing the creature comforts of a luxury glamping vacation. Dinner will be around the campfire, with cold beers, reviewing the teams’ achievements.

Day 4

Teams will be given two options of camp locations and limited supplies to build and sleep overnight, bringing tired minds back down to base level. Here our Pelorus experts will observe ‘survival’ techniques and instincts. Living from the land, teams will spend the night.

Day 5

Ride out for a final time then return to the ranch for a farewell breakfast and to prepare for international departure.


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