6 Unforgettable Wildlife Experiences


These are several of the memorable wildlife experiences we are currently able to work into our innovative travel experiences.

The most elusive wildlife species tend to be found in untouched, boundless environments. To set eyes on these species requires world-class guides and trusted contacts in remote places; people who understand the landscape and behavioral traits of the local fauna better than any others. We have been fortunate to work with a handful of such talented individuals, who monitor and protect animals in a variety of environments. These are six unforgettable wildlife experiences we are able to work into our innovative travel experiences:

Polar Bears In Svalbard

Located in the northern extremities of the world, to visit Svalbard is to step into an environment far better suited to polar bears than humans. And to see them in their natural habitat is to appreciate their innate ability to survive in one of the most hostile and raw places on Earth. Depending on the time of year, you will track the bears on sleds pulled by huskies, on snowmobiles, or by zodiac boats, allowing you to get into otherwise inaccessible locations. Each sighting of a polar bear is a special moment.

Fruit Bats in Zambia

Zambia’s bat migration is one of the natural world’s most incredible sightings, as some eight million giant fruit bats descend into a small area of Kasanka National Park each year to feed. The sky is turned dark with bats each morning and evening and the sound of screeching is gloriously deafening. You’ll scale wooden ladders into the forest canopy to get amongst the action and watch eagles crashing into the swarms to tackle the bats on the wing.

Snow Leopards in India

Snow leopards have adapted to survive in one of the harshest environments on Earth, notably the wild, snow-capped mountain ranges in the northern reaches of India. Catching a glimpse of these majestic creatures requires patience, fitness, and a guide who has an in-depth knowledge of the region. Pelorus works with the guides who helped the BBC Natural History unit track and film snow leopards for Planet Earth, and while a sighting can never be guaranteed, these people offer the best opportunity to see one in its natural habitat.

Hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos

It is said that a visit to the Galapagos will make you look at the world differently. Isolated 1000 kilometers from mainland Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands are world-renowned for their vibrant flora and fauna. For keen divers, there are few places on Earth that come close. One highlight is the number of hammerhead sharks you can witness, from small groups of four or five to schools of well over 100 that form a continuous wall. It is remarkable to be underwater with such a profusion of this species.

Pumas in Patagonia

Track the elusive puma, the largest big cat in Patagonia, with a specialized team of experts. Found within the spectacular Torres del Paine National Park, a protected area that is globally recognized as one of the most beautiful places on the planet, you’ll head into the mountains to search of these animals on foot, while your guide will be in radio contact with others to give you the best possible chance of a successful outing.

Wolves in Northern Norway

Come face-to-face with habituated wolves in the wild northern reaches of Norway; so far north, in fact, that you are within the Arctic Circle. Under the direction of local guides, you’ll spend time with the animals in a very personal manner – as their trust builds you may even experience the ‘wolf kiss’. One of the greatest aspects to travel and adventure is being outside of your comfort zone; taking yourself away from the ordinary in search of the extraordinary – this experience certainly falls into that bracket.

Want to know more?

Speak to a member of the Pelorus team for more information and to discuss your own experience in the wild.

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