The Pelorus Guide to Traveling Sustainably


The most important aspects of traveling sustainably are being mindful, learning to travel more responsibly and driving awareness of best practices we can all implement in our daily lives to enable us to reduce our impact on the environment. At Pelorus, we believe organizations and brands have a responsibility to educate consumers and promote sustainable business practices.

All trips created by our teams across Private Adventures, Yacht Expeditions and Pelorus Agency are rooted in sustainability and offer our clients opportunities to learn, develop and push boundaries of responsible travel experiences.

For us, travel starts with a purpose in mind, whether is it to integrate yourself into a new culture, learn a new language or gain a new skill. Not just ‘doing it for the gram’ but instead focusing on experiences that will drive your personal transformation into becoming a more informed global citizen, an activist for wildlife and a conservationist for the planet.

We asked our team for their top tips on how we can all become more sustainable travelers and have listed our 10 steps discerning travelers can take to travel sustainably in this article.

1. Research sustainable destinations

Alleviating the pressures of mass tourism from places that are frequently visited, is the first conscious decision we can make in our journey towards sustainable travel. Picking destinations that are under the radar and perhaps closer to home will enable you to travel to lesser-explored parts of the world while helping reduce your impact on the environment. 

2. Pick a Tour Operator Who Puts Sustainability at Their Core

Pelorus has launched a new Climate Investment Fund which invests in pioneering technology and nature focused carbon removal projects through a portfolio approach to compensate for travel emissions

3. Embrace Slow Travel

The rise in demand for environmentally friendly transport services means it is easier than ever to travel slowly, whether by train or boat. Networks of tracks and rivers, especially within Europe, enable for opportunities to embrace slow travel, the concept of indulging in a gentle journey through a region that allows you to see, feel and understand your surroundings.

4. Plan to travel longer and less frequently

Taking longer to get to know a particular place well, rather than spending short periods in multiple places, allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture and customs. This helps build stronger connections to places and facilitates the feeling of belonging somewhere, a home away from home.

5. Pack light and resourcefully

By bringing all of your necessities you can reduce waste and cut out the consumption of plastic goods. Travel with reusables to eradicate single-use plastic. Bring a water bottle with you such as Ocean Bottle and refill this throughout your trip.

6. Stay at local eco-conscious properties

As a result, you can do your part in supporting the local economy. Eat organically and go to smaller restaurants that support farm to table culinary experiences. When staying at luxury hotels or properties be mindful of how often you are washing towels and reducing this to the necessary amount can help to reduce our environmental footprint.

7. Seek local experiences, home-stays, local guides and local organizations that support the communities

Where possible, using local guides and organizations will help to sustainably support the local economy. This is also the best way to come to fully appreciate and understand the city, region or landscape that you are in, alongside those that know it best.

8. Dedicate your time to a local cause or organization in the form of volunteering

Giving your time and sharing your expertise is one of the most impactful things you can do while on a trip. Spending time with local organizations that focus on conservation and environmental protection is a fantastic way to learn about the challenges faced by local populations and support their endeavours to overcome these challenges. Visiting a local school and engaging with children in discussions about the planet and its wildlife is a simple thing that can have a lasting impact by encouraging the next generation in their efforts to promote and protect the natural world. Alternatively, getting involved in a beach clean up has direct environmental benefits and spreads awareness of ocean conservation.

9. Don’t purchase products such as makeup, sunscreen or sprays containing chemicals

They seep out into the atmosphere affecting wildlife, our oceans and the planet. Opting for chemical-free products not only alleviates pressure on the environment, but it also promotes better health.ess of ocean conservation.

10. Be mindful of interacting with wildlife outside of their natural habitat

Lastly, one of the most important decisions you can make as an informed and conscious traveler is to be mindful of how you interact with wildlife and not support organizations that use animals for human entertainment. We do not support sanctuaries or zoos that cause harm to animals. We would highly advise against supporting any organization that promotes riding elephants, walking with tigers, visiting lions in cages, swimming with dolphins in pools or supporting zoos that promote the capturing of wildlife for human entertainment. The most important part of being a sustainable traveler is being the voice for animal welfare and reducing the impact humans have on wildlife. Doing your due diligence in supporting ethical organizations that care about the health and wellness and the future of wild animals is part of that responsibility.

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