Meredith Wilson

Travel Executive

From a childhood spent galloping across fields on her pony to exploring the woods and streams of her back garden, as if it were the Amazon jungle, Meredith’s love for adrenaline and adventure began at an early age. Along with many episodes of Planet Earth and Steve Irwin’s ‘The Crocodile Hunter’ coupled with family vacations spent exploring the likes of Morocco and Costa Rica, there was no doubt in her mind that Meredith wanted to learn more about the planet, how to protect it, and ultimately explore as many far-reaching corners of the Earth as possible.

Following a Geography degree, working at a local school and nannying before setting off for 7 months traveling around South East Asia, Meredith fell in love with the underwater world and spent three months living in Koh Tao, Thailand qualifying as a Divemaster.

Upon returning, Meredith knew she wanted to share her passion for travel and adventure. Joining Pelorus as an intern for three months, she eventually became a Travel Executive, fulfilling her dream of creating unforgettable experiences for others.

Number one unforgettable travel experience?

On a jeep safari in Chitwan National Park in Nepal, I hopped out of the jeep to go to the bathroom in the bushes to the side of the single track path, as I was walking back to the jeep a large tiger emerged from the same bushes as me about 70 meters ahead, strolling across the track in front of our jeep and then wandering off into the grassland the other side! Slightly terrifying yet exhilarating at the same time!

Top of your travel bucket list?

The hardest question to answer but I would have to say either the Galapagos Islands! The diverse ecosystems and biodiversity that live not only on the islands but in the ocean as well make it the perfect destination for exploring and scuba diving. Diving with hammerhead sharks, seals, turtles, whale sharks and marine iguanas would be like living in Planet Earth in real time.

Who is your ultimate travel partner?

Although sadly no longer with us, I would have loved to have traveled with Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter! His energy, passion, enthusiasm, and devotion to protecting animals and their ecosystems captivated me as a young child, watching him run around the Australian outback picking up giant snakes and a multitude of other animals with his bare hands. Also, you never know when a professional crocodile wrestler may come in handy!

Want to get in touch?

To contact Meredith please email or give her a call.